Ending the Political Power of Secret Combinations
Fri Jul 21, 2023 7:00 PM - 9:15 PM MDT
Food Storage Depot, 84095
American Founding Father, Noah Webster, popularized the term "Secret Combinations".
Defending Utah has been on a very long journey to understand what these "Secret Combinations" have done to our country and how to reverse it. It turns out the founding fathers showed us the solution through their example in organizing "Committees of Safety".
Are you tired of your activism efforts feeling like they're getting nowhere? Have you supported plenty of good campaigns but still wonder why things keep getting worse?
On a Friday evening in July of 2023, we're going to summarize ten years worth of experience with you, so you can choose to fast forward this movie we're all living in-- to the part where we start working on real solutions for liberty!
If you're new to Defending Utah, you can learn about our research on Secret Combinations with these resources:
1. Our book Utah's Secret Combinations,
2. Our recent presentation on Shadow Governments in Utah
3. Our Liberty Bootcamp - Multiple class options that cover the constitution and Secret Combinations.
This event will be both online and in person!
Event Date: Friday July 21st, 2023 (7pm - 9pm)
In-Person Price: $3
Online Zoom Link: $6 - Zoom Link to be emailed day of event
Scott Bradley
Enoch Moore
Food Storage Depot's TV Studio
10366 South Redwood Rd, Unit A
South Jordan, UT 84095
"The Lord has declared that before the second coming of Christ it will be necessary to 'destroy the secret works of darkness' in order to preserve the land of Zion, the Americas." - Ezra Taft Benson, Sep 1961
Please Support our Sponsors:
Cardio Miracle 15% *Discount Code: DEFENDINGUTAH - https://cardiomiracle.myshopify.com/discount/DEFENDINGUTAH
Red Pill Expo Iowa August 12,13 - 2023 - http://redpillexpoutah.com
Seven Prep Steps, Be Prepared - https://www.7prepsteps.com
Food Storage Depot, Utah's local preparedness store - https://www.foodstoragedepot.com
Shop for Liberty at Defending Utah - https://shop.defendingutah.org
Health Saves, alternative health clinic - https://www.HealthSaves.org
LDS Freedom Books - https://www.ldsfreedombooks.com
Global Remarketing - https://www.globalremarketing.net
Andersen Accounting - https://www.andersenaccounting.com
Integra Law - https://www.IntegraLaw.net
Freedoms Rising Sun, Material to teach your family the constitution in your home - https://freedomsrisingsun.com
Water of Champions - http://waterofchampions.org
Mount Zerin Ministries, get your religious exemption verified - https://www.MountZerin.org
Food Storage Depot, 84095