Love Actually! Surviving and thriving in Intimate relationships (2 hr Playshop)
Thu 7 Sep 2023 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM BST
Online, Zoom
Felt-Sense Magic Playshop series on Zoom 2 hour playshops on Zoom
Offering an exciting array of themes, relevant to our personal, existential and global context.
Playshop No 1: Love Actually
A playful and communal exploration of closeness and distance in intimate relationships (include friendships) and what we can learn together through focusing, to enhance them.
Exploring our personal experience, such things as:
- Closer and distance patterns
- Breaking up & making up
- Deepening, enhancing and destructive patterns
- Companioning hurt and anger
- Rejoicing in the connection
- and more!
This session will include
- Community depth connection and small breakout groups
- Guided short attunements
- Silent pauses for reflective presence
- Lightness, fun and playfulness
- Poetry, inspirational quotes, short video and audios
- Interactive explorations
- Depth, learning and reflection
Sessions are audio recorded for your personal use to refresh yourself of the content.
What is Focusing?
- Focusing is a moment by moment way of ‘coming home’ to yourself, in that deeper and natural sense of being easy inside your own skin.
- It is exquisitely delightful to sense fresh or new spaces emerging even from ‘impossibly stuck’ places in us.
- We shift away from the trapped and locked in sense of living in the head into the relief and freedom of embodied ease.
- It is a delightfully sensitive way of listening to or sensing what our world is telling us, both inside and outside in a way that is safe and gentle.
- It offers a creative and quietly profound way of being even with what we find most difficult and challenging.
- It is, in my experience a deeply satisfying process allowing the heart and soul space to breathe and be itself, to find its own sense of rightness, health and finding expression in endless creativity.
Who for? For those with a well established or little practice. Even if you have no experience this might be a fun way to begin to sense into the practice gently.
Commence Thursday Sept 7 pm - 9 pm BST on Zoom
Cost Ticket £25 /Conc £20
As I would wish for Focusing to be available to all, concessions are available. Please contact me directly by going to 'Contact the event organiser' on the right of this page.
Your facilitator Simon 'K2' McKibbin
Simon, also known as K2, is an experienced trainer and coach, and a Buddhist practitioner of 30 years. He teaches and is affiliated with the University of Cambridge, the Mindfulness in Schools Project, Breathworks (Mindfulness and Pain Management), the Centre for Nonviolent Communication, and the British Focusing Association.
My approach is very embodied, given my extensive experience in mindfulness, working from a basis of 'Unshakeable presence' leading to a more integrated, sensitive and available context for relationship with the felt-sense, the holy grail of Focusing.
"Every part within us has it's own healing mechanism and knows it's own rightness," (Gene Gendlin) We just need to know how to hold and be available to these parts in a safe and supportive way, and, as if by magic, the fresh edge will flow into it's newness - it is the essential connection to build both inner and outer community.
What participants are saying
'I feel more connected to myself and the world around me in quite a magical way. I have started to find ways to be with my experience in more openness, to be more curious and accepting and to be more grounded. The sessions felt very spontaneous and alive creating a space of safety, openness with a light and playful touch, that we moved more deeply into together. Simon is deeply humane and highly skilled.'
Laurent Dubois