COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP EVENT 2025: "With and For Young People"
Thu 27 Feb 2025 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM GMT
St Martin's Conference Centre, 7 Peacock Ln, Leicester LE1 5PZ
The Violence Reduction Network and Community Leadership Network's annual Community Partnership event is focused around working "with and for young people." The event is for community partners working with children and young people across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. There will also be representatives attending from across the VRN partnership.
This year's event has been co-produced with children and young people from across LLR and will provide you with the opportunity to:
- Collaborate and plan for the year ahead.
- Network with colleagues working across the community and statutory sector.
- Take part in workshops around Youth Work, Prevention & Diversion and Youth Voice & Participation.
- Share practice with colleagues around youth involvement.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
Please register if you would like to attend by Thursday 20th February 2025.
St Martin's Conference Centre, 7 Peacock Ln, Leicester LE1 5PZ