Uncertain Times Huddle meet up
Tue 17 Sep 2024 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM BST
Online, Zoom
Perhaps you are experiencing a personal or work transition? Trying to figure out how to thrive in the increasing uncertainty we see around the world? Or you are a change maker wanting to be their best? Come along and find out how a Huddle can support you to thrive in Uncertain Times.
The Uncertain Times Huddle is a 5 month peer-to-peer led learning journey, where you direct your learning and share its rich results with a consistent small group of people that we call a Huddle. It includes time together face to face in Bristol and online meets throughout our time together.
We'll cover all the details in this taster session, where you'll also get a flavour of how a Huddle works and flows, and delve into the topics you might want to explore to thrive in Uncertain Times.