Information Session on the International Protection Process in Ireland
Tue 24 Sep 2024 10:00 - 12:30
Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages Tully Road Kildare Town County Kildare, R51 Y281
Local Authority Integration Team (LAIT) at Kildare County Council with the support of UNHCR and JRS Ireland.
This event is organised by the Local Authority Integration Team (LAIT) to inform and raise awareness about the asylum process in Ireland and how its impact on international protection applicants’ participation in the economic, social, cultural, and political life.
This event is open to voluntary and community organisations, family resource centres, disability organisations and groups, addiction services, and other community services and service providers working with new communities in county Kildare. This is an opportunity to learn about the asylum process in Ireland and its impact on international protection applicants’ participation in the economic, social, cultural, and political life.
Deadline for registration is Monday 16th September 2024.
Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages Tully Road Kildare Town County Kildare, R51 Y281