Meeting of the 7 AMs of London
Sat 5 Oct 2024 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Friends House, NW1 2BJ
Building a London-wide Quaker Community
You are invited to attend
a joint area meeting of the seven London area meetings
Organised by the clerks’ group of the seven London Area Meetings
on Saturday October 5th, 10.30 - 1.30
Hilda Clark Suite Friends House NW1 2BJ
Also blended online
Gather from 10.00 to start meeting for worship for business at 10.30
Proposed agenda to include
● 15 minutes all age worship
A parallel meeting for children and young people will then be facilitated by Julia Stacey
(London CYP Worker)
Parents and Carers are asked to complete a consent form when registering
● Introduction by the Elders and Clerks for this meeting
● Invitation for questions about the origin and form of the joint meeting
Previous papers and minutes available on the London Quakers website
● Community Building
● Coffee Break
● Are we ready to form a Nominations Committee?
● Appointment of the proposed names (up to two from each AM) to form the Nominations
● Consideration of the Terms of Reference for the London Development Group
● Report on the work of the London Development Group and Q & A
● Proposal to hold monthly Meetings for Worship for the Joint Area Meeting
● Date of next meeting(s) of the seven London area meetings
● Closing Worship with the children sharing their activities
Please register your attendance
for logistics and to receive the Zoom link
You are welcome to eat your lunch in Friends House
or maybe go out with new and known friends
Friends House, NW1 2BJ