Beginners Couch to 5k
Tue 21 Jan 2025 19:00 - Thu 13 Mar 2025
Longford Sports Hub (Athletics Centre), St. Mel's College, Bannon Terrace, Longford, N39X6X8
New Couch to 5K group. Tailored to the needs of complete beginners and people returning to social/fitness running after a long break.
Start together, train together and support each other.
- Make a great start with our 8 week beginners Couch To 5K Group.
- Option of two group sessions each week on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- Starting Jan 21st at 7pm from Longford Sports Hub (Longford Athletics Centre)
- Weekly program to follow and in person meet ups.
- Ongoing support and advice
- A stepping stone to health, fitness and lots of fun..
- Ongoing option of beginner guidance and support offered by Longford AC as a follow on from our 8 weeks.
Join us and make a start, it could the best decision you'll make this year.
Longford Sports Hub (Athletics Centre), St. Mel's College, Bannon Terrace, Longford, N39X6X8