AI Opportunities in Adult Social Care Webinar
Mon 22 Jul 2024 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM BST
Online, Teams
Are you interested in how AI might transform how we deliver Adult Social Care services? From improving staff productivity to enabling more proactive delivery models, join LOTI and a panel of AI experts to discuss what the real benefits of safely using AI might be for this priority service area.
Recent advances in AI technology may offer new solutions for improving the efficiency and performance of services. Whilst councils are interested in this opportunity as a whole, the key question that many officers are currently asking is "what are the right opportunities that I should be giving my attention to now?". To help councils answer this question for themselves, LOTI commissioned Faculty to deliver research into the practical opportunities AI has to offer the delivery of adult social care services.
Over May and June 2024, Faculty carried out user research interviews with digital teams, and adult social care leads within London boroughs to identify common challenges and opportunities for AI in service delivery. Following this process, we worked with officers to decide a shortlist of opportunities that we expanded upon and suggested councils might focus their time on, which we will explore in this webinar.
Who should attend this webinar?
Council officers and those working in the Adults Social Care sector, or those working in digital and the AI space interested in relevant applications of AI in one of the most pressing service areas in the public sector.
What will the webinar cover?
- Join Expert speakers from LOTI, local government and Faculty.
- Understand about the common themes and challenges across the service area, and how AI approaches could be used to tackle user needs and help address key sectoral issues.
- Hear our top recommendations for short and long-term AI opportunities across adult social care services.
- Learn about how we prioritised opportunities and thought through the risks and impacts of AI solutions.
About LOTI
The London Office of Technology and Innovation (LOTI) was established in July 2019 to help its London borough members, the Greater London Authority (GLA), and London Councils to collaborate on projects that bring the best of digital and data innovation to improve public services and outcomes for Londoners. For more information, visit our website.
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