Ascension Healing Booster - 7th Apr 2024
Sun Apr 7, 2024 12:01 AM - 11:59 PM NZST
Online, Love Inspiration
As explained by Higher Consciousness:
"The Ascension Healing Booster (AHB) is a series of energies used to
radiate a new level of deepened healing. Each energy frequency is gifted
to the individual recipient in detailed precision according to their
written healing descriptions and acquired karmic merits. The ceremony
takes much preparation (energetically) and initiates frequencies that
gently clear karmic debris and free the soul of attributed karmic
obstacles. It is an intensive healing period.
the AHB has been initiated, the results form a new level of radiance
upon which each Ascension Healing (or Di/Tri-Ascension Healing)
thereafter is dramatically shifted to an elevated level. The initial AHB
is required only once, to actively boost the level of healing, however
can be repeated during times of immense purification, the ‘darkest
hours’ some may call them.
frequencies chosen in an AHB are specifically & uniquely tailored to
the recipients’ situation, healing requirements and intention of life
purpose. These are set in the recipients soul DNA at the time of healing
and do not specifically require written or conscious connection.
the AHB is sent, a new level of conscious unfurling shall commence,
where healing layers begin to ‘slide’ off, allowing soul purpose to be
more in alignment. The undertaking of an AHB is a specific &
dedicated decision, requiring commitment at a deep level, hence the
indicated monetary investment. We ask you, however, to be very aware
that your earthly ‘money’ does not buy your healing, but rather the
merit accumulated from the conscious decision to further the Maitri
Foundation charity’s purposes creates the dedicated opportunity for
healing to take place. This is important to realise in all aspects of
donation to the charity’s purposes and is not specific to the AHB."
For more information about the AHB energies, please visit: