Secure Data Environment World Cafe Event
Fri 2 Aug 2024 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Preston North End Football Club, PR1 6RU
Health leaders in Lancashire and South Cumbria are inviting the public to a session to discuss personal health data and how that data can be used safely and securely to support healthcare research.
Health data is collected every time an individual engages with health services, and it will help to improve patient care, speed up diagnosis and research new treatments. To keep information safe, Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) uses, among other options, a Secure Data Environment (SDE). Only approved researchers will have access to this and the research projects will be assessed to make sure they meet the criteria to access data within the SDE.
The World Café format allows conversations on data-related topics to take place in a friendly and relaxed environment so that the public can provide their insights into the SDE and how it operates. Research clinicians will be on hand to facilitate the discussions, answer questions and hear thoughts that the public may have.
Preston North End Football Club, PR1 6RU