Lancashire and South Cumbria Good Engagement Webinar
Fri 31 Jan 2025 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM GMT
Online, Microsoft Teams
How can engagement with people and communities result in improvements to health care and services ?
In this, the second of our engagement good practice webinars, we look at how engagement with women about their experiences of the menopause have translated into support and services that work for them.
Participants will have a chance to really get into the detail behind the work being done, hearing from Menopause specialists, and the difference they have made as a result of engagement.
As well as highlighting good practice in involvement, engagement and coproduction, this webinar is for anyone who is interested in finding out more about how menopause can impact women, their partners and families, in the community and the wider workforce.
You will hear from Healthwatch Blackpool’s Alex Lever and from South Cumbria GPs, Drs Jen Horrocks and Cath Munro who will share their experiences of engagement and service improvement as a result of that engagement.