Generation Equality Gala. Hosted by Ruth Sisters Fellowship Int’l
Fri Mar 10, 2023 6:00 PM - 10:30 PM EST
Long Island Marriott, 101 James Doolittle Blvd, Uniondale, NY 11553
Commission on the Status of Women
Theme: Generation Equality, Achieving Gender Equality and Inspiration Innovation of Women in Ministry for Sustainable Development.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda has strongly committed to gender equality, addressing issues concerning women and advancement of Gender Equality. Each year since its inception, Ruth Sisters’ Fellowship Intl in working towards building character generation for the Kingdom aligns our mission to the United Nations Commission on Status of Women agenda through EMPTISTORY Generation Equality Naomi Recognition and Awards.
The objective is to encourage women to be shaped by the environment, become model for character generation for the kingdom, empower womanhood to grow within their inclusive nature and enabling environment; and globally connect to sisters for sisters support by aligning ourselves to the theme of the Commission on Status of Women Session.
This year we are guided by the theme of CSW67 Session Theme” Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls”.
Naomi in the Holy book is remembered today for being a woman who mentored Ruth and created pathway that brought in our Lord Jesus Christ. Many women are the Naomi who have made pathways for many women sustainable future and we are pleased to recognize some of these women at our 3rd EMPTISTORY Generation Equality Panel and Awards as women who have contributed to the advancement of gender equality especially in Ministry.
The 4thEMPTISTORY Generation Equality Panel and Awards will contribute to the theme of the CSW67 Session through;
Guest Ministers Statement on “Generation Equality, Achieving Gender Equality and Inspiration Innovation of Women in Ministry for Sustainable Development” with respect to the theme of CSW67 Session. The statements will highlight;
critical issues for discussion improvements in the well-being, education, health and livelihoods of women and girls. Innovation and digital tools provide opportunities for greater access to information, education and skills and opens possibilities for increased employment and business opportunities.
The gender gap in digital access and skills: Access to digital technologies and skills for women and girls is restricted due to a variety of reasons, including lack of physical access, affordability, lack of education and skills, and social norms, for example, preventing unmarried women and girls to have access to mobile phones or the internet or driving girls to quit science or choosing stereotypical career path.
Inclusive Innovation ecosystems and digital transformation: The gap in digital skills can also exacerbate inequalities in the world of work more broadly. The future of work and trade in goods and services will be increasingly digitalized, marginalizing those who do not have the necessary skills or access to the most recent technologies and digital platforms. Conversely, narrowing the gender
gap in digital skills could contribute to narrowing the gender wage gap by providing access for women to higher skilled ICT-related roles
Gender transformative technology and innovation: The need to ensure that technology and innovation actually responds to the needs of women and girls in ministry and are inclusive, accessible, including in sectors that are relevant to the SDGs – for example digital technologies to support financial inclusion for women, digital technologies for health, innovation in the context of agriculture, climate change, innovations to improve inclusion for women with disabilities, among many other forms affecting women in advancing the work of the Kingdom.
Women in Ministry Shared Conversation: Just as Naomi in the Book of Ruth had stories of her life, Women in Ministry are filled with stories of pain, emptiness, abandonment, abuse, denial and many on life experiences. As Naomi Shared her story and enacted action that set the pace for ancestral generation of Christian, the EMPTISTORY of todays women in ministry is a strong resource for evangelism and stewardship.
- Recognition of Boaz Honor and Naomi Awards
- Title Recognition, HEFORSHE and Presidents Volunteer Service Award
- Women in Ministry Authors Fair and Book Signing
Women in Ministry engage in a narrower range of kingdom activities than men. Similarly, the participation of women in ministry as creators and decision makers in the field of digital technologies is very low. Women-led design and women’s participation in investment, research, public policy design and business is paramount to the emergence of technology which responds to women’s needs, aspirations, circumstances, preferences, and priorities. Gender gaps persist across the digital ecosystem due to the failure to modify an underlying system of discrimination against women. Existing efforts to change this system have focused largely on its consequences and outputs, rather than on the drivers of discrimination. Gender perspectives remain largely absent from policy-making process and gender-disaggregated data which supports diagnosis, analysis, problem-solving and public policy evaluation is still lacking. A permanent solution to the gender digital divide requires a transformation in culture, which calls for a systemic approach.
The 4th EMPTISTOY Generation Equality Panel and Awards will work to recommend to CSW67 Session
- Inclusion of Women in Ministry: Gender perceptions should be applied to all processes of policymaking and technology design, including Internet governance, content moderation, algorithmic programing, research and innovation, policymaking and evaluation, and data processes, among others through the use of methodologies, questionnaires and guidelines.
- Gender Imbalances: A universal approach must be employed to bridge the gender digital divide. Stakeholders must work collaboratively, and strategies must acknowledge the cross-cutting factors which underpin patterns of gender inequality. The root causes of the gender digital divide should be addressed and the power imbalances between men and women interrupted.
- Disruptive shifts must be encouraged within technology companies, including the elimination of discrimination and gender pay gaps, and the promotion of diversity and inclusion to create workplaces which are safe for women. Digitalization should support labor flexibility and should not impede women’s salary, job security, or career advancement.
- Financial resources must be directed to women-led ventures, inventions, research, and projects.
A care economy, which redistributes social, private, and public responsibilities, must be cultivated to support women’s participation in the labor market.
For More Details Contact:
Coordinator, Generation Equality Panel and Naomi Awards +19174327079,
Secretary Planning Committee +19144946883,
General Secretary +15164521320,
Director of Programs +12124701131
Long Island Marriott, 101 James Doolittle Blvd, Uniondale, NY 11553