Clear Mind: A one-day Retreat
Sat 31 Aug 2024 9:30 AM - 5:15 PM
Sat 31 August| Clear Mind: A one-day retreat | with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang
Meditation is for everyone and is a skill anyone can learn. If we understand how to clear away the inner clouds of negative thoughts and connect to the clear sky-like space of our mind we will start to experience real inner peace.
On this one-day retreat Gen-la Kunsang will explain the Mahamudra meditations taught by Buddha through which we will eventually realize our own mind directly. Through being guided through these deeply relaxing, spacious, and deceptively simple meditations, our mind will become progressively more subtle and peaceful. In this way we can experience a profound inner stillness and tranquillity that will bring great benefit to our daily lives, and enable us to become a positive influence on others.
Everyone is welcome