Swap Distress for De-Stress
Sat 14 Dec 2024 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Maitreya Kadampa Buddhist Centre, 13 Sea Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, TN40 1EE
with experienced meditation teachers Deb Latter and Sammi Gawad
We can’t always change our situation – but we can always change our mind. Learn some practical tips for seeing things differently, to keep your calm whatever happens!
Seating on chairs, no experience required, everybody welcome.
Complimentary refreshments provided.
10:00-11:00 teaching and guided meditations
11:00-11:30 complimentary refreshments
11:30-12:30 teaching and guided meditations
£18/£14 concessions/members free
- 2 hour free-parking in side roads
- 4 hour free-parking towards the top of Buckhurst Road
- All day parking @£2 along the seafront and in Endwell Rd.
- Bexhill Railway Station is just across the road.
- Information on buses https://www.rother.gov.uk/transport-roads-and-parking/bus-timetables/
Maitreya Kadampa Buddhist Centre, 13 Sea Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, TN40 1EE