Mon Aug 12, 2024 10:30 AM - Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:00 PM
小創意,大改善 💡!MakerBay與位於荃灣Meow Art Coffe 喵公館合作,為8-12歲學生舉辦一連五日學習與實踐並重的課程。參加者會學習設計思維,然後參觀貓Café、做個小店長,並觀察我們可如何製作不同工具協助咖啡店,例如怎樣照顧貓咪,確保牠們健康,能與客人互動同時又有安靜且隱蔽休息區。完成了木工、平面繪畫、Tinkercad及Microbit的培訓後,參加者會與組員合力構思方案及製作工具的原型、測試及改良,最後向貓Café員工展示作品。
Small Ideas, Big Improvements 💡! MakerBay collaborates with Meow Art Coffe in Tsuen Wan to organise a five-day hands-on learning course for students aged 8-12. Participants will learn design thinking, visit the cat café, act as mini shop managers, and observe how we can create various tools to help the café. This will be a unique opportunity to learn how to take care of cats, ensure they stay healthy, and interact with customers while having a quiet and secluded resting area.
After the training in woodworking, graphic design, Tinkercad, and Microbit, participants will work in groups to brainstorm solutions, create prototypes, test, and refine them. Finally, you will present your creations to the cat café staff to complete the comprehensive learning.
Don’t miss the chance to design practical inventions for the cat café with us!
🚩小小創客夏令營 Young Makers Summer Camp
日期 Date: 08.12 - 08.16
時間 Time: 10:30-12:30 & 14:00-16:00
地點 Venue: 荃灣MakerBay
對象 Target: 8-12歲學生
語言 Language: 廣東話
費用 Fee: HKD 3,200