Maker, Mentor, Muse Salon: Think of Your Poem as a Mug with Vince Montague ($25)
Sun Apr 28, 2024 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM PDT
Online, Zoom
Maker, Mentor, Muse & Alta Mesa Center for the Arts Presents:
Think of Your Poem as a Mug taught by Vince Montague
Sunday, April 28th - 3:30pm-5pm PST
The abstract nature of working with words and language separates us from the physical world. Think of Your Poem as a Mug is a 90 minute conversation with artist and writer Vince Montague who proposes looking at your writing as an object in the physical world. Consider the line of a poem as a type of physical landscape in an empty desert. Think of the form of your writing as an object that can be held and touched. Build a poetic universe that casts shadows on the cement. This workshop is for those interested in writing, in visual art, and/or the intersection between them. There will be writing prompts and a chance to generate new ideas, but this workshop is open to all writers and non-writers looking for a way to cultivate their creativity.
About Your Instructor
Vince Montague is an artist and writer who works with language and clay. He will share his experience as a writer and how he came to work in the visual arts and how the experience of working in a studio shaped his idea of writing. The influence of making physical objects such as cups and bowls created a structure for his memoir, Cracked Pot (Latah Press, 2023) and the poetry chapbook, Next Door (Bottlecap Press 2023).
Maker, Mentor, Muse is a teaching platform founded in 2022 by Mary Volmer, Maw Shein Win, and Dawn Angelicca Barcelona. Hailing from three distinct backgrounds, generations, and spiritual traditions we believe community is essential to building a satisfying and sustainable literary life and that true success requires balancing all three artistic roles: maker, mentor, muse. In collaboration with Alta Mesa Center for the Arts, sponsored by Orinda Community Church, we are building a place where artists embrace practices that honor process, spiritual growth, connection, and ongoing community with other writers.