Merovingian online calligraphy and decoration workshop
Sat 27 Apr 2024 09:00 - Sun 28 Apr 2024 16:00 EEST
The Merovingian Workshop will take you back into deep history to look at the Merovingian era ( 481 - 751 A.D.) You will explore the manuscripts from this period, learn how to create Merovingian calligraphy and text decoration over a two day online course. By the end of the weekend you will have created a beautiful page of calligraphy with a border and decorated text from the Merovingian era.
Both days of the workshop will run from 9am - 4pm Helsinki (Eastern European Time) via a Zoom link. The link will be sent to you a few days before the event. There will be breaks throughout the day for you to eat and rest.
The entire workshop will be recorded, so if the time zone makes it difficult for you to attend the live event, you will still get full access to the workshop videos, instructions and all resource materials for one month after the workshop. We also provide a space for you to upload your work to ask for assistance during the workshop and share your work with others.
Day 1 – Run by Finnish calligraphy teacher, Pauliina Yliniitty.
Pauliina will give an introduction to the Merovingian period. You will then explore the calligraphy with its variations from the Merovingian era and practice the letterforms. Towards the end of the day, you will write out the calligraphy for the final piece.
Day 2 – Run by medieval illuminator, Tania Crossingham.
You will explore Merovingian text decoration (no gold was used during this period so it is technically not called “illumination.” ) and gain an insight into its historical significance. The day will be spent learning how to create decorated letters and a border design in this style which will complete your manuscript page in the Merovingian style.
To fully enjoy this workshop, we recommend that you have the following things ready to go before the workshop begins.
- A4 size (210 x 297mm) sheet of hot pressed watercolour paper for the final piece
- Extra sheets of hot pressed watercolour paper for practicing calligraphy
- 30 cm ruler
- Protractor
- Compass
- Tracing paper
- Soft white eraser and a putty (kneadable) eraser if possible
- Mechanical pencil with extra leads or a regular pencil with a sharpener
- Paper towel
- Cup of water for cleaning pens and brushes
- Watercolour paints in the following colours
bright red ( an orange red, not a pink red)
sap green ( a yellow green not a blue green)
golden yellow
burnt umber
ultramarine blue
titanium white (or regular white )
- Brown acrylic ink - it must be waterproof!
- Burnt umber gouache
- Quality brushes (size 00 & 000)
- Pipette (for adding drops of water)
- Calligraphy nib (size 2) and pen handle
- Fine pointed nib and handle - a crow quill nib is best
- Brush (for mixing gouache)
- Gum Arabic or toothpaste and toothbrush (for cleaning a new nib)
- Palette or china plate or a small container for mixing gouache for the calligraphy and water colours for the painting
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. &