One to One Mamakind Hypnobirthing Course 2024
Thu 25 Jan 2024 9:00 AM - Wed 15 May 2024 7:00 PM
In this course, I'll guide you through taking control of your pregnancy and birth and you won't even have to leave the comfort of your own home! It'll just be me, you and (hopefully) your birth partner so the info can be completely tailored to you, and every session will be at a time to suit you!
Once you have paid your £50 deposit I will be in touch via email to get a date and time booked in! The remainder of your booking will need to be paid for at least one week prior to your first session.
Just a few of the benefits:
- You'll leave our sessions feeling positive and excited about labour and birth
- You'll be confident in navigating maternity healthcare throughout pregnancy and birth
- Sessions will be a special time out for you to connect with your bump and birth partner before baby arrives
- Your birth partner will be confident in knowing how best to support you through pregnancy, labour and birth
- I will be on hand to support you from the time you book onto this course up until your little one arrives. This includes answering your questions and keeping you accountable when it comes to making positive changes to your mindset.
Our One to One Hypnobirthing Course will cover:
- The power of words
- The science of birth and the logic behind Mamakind Hypnobirthing
- Breathing techniques
- Visualisations
- Deep relaxation
- Comforting massage techniques
- Preparing your body and mind for birth
- The role of the birth partner
- How to work with the UK health system to achieve your best birth
This course is a full antenatal programme which on average will take around 12 hours to teach. It is split into four session which are taught at a pace and time to suit you and your birth partner.
Most people choose to take this course in the second trimester of their pregnancy as this allows plenty of time for practice, but I am happy to teach you whenever you feel will be most beneficial!
I can teach this course online (via Zoom or whatever is easiest for you) or if you're local to Loughborough, Leicestershire I can come over to yours and teach you in person, at home.
As well as a whole load of invaluable knowledge, you'll also receive a beautiful course notes booklet, relaxation audios and ongoing support via phone and email.
This course will take you from feeling anxious about your birth, to feeling excited for your labour to begin!