Family Constellation & Cellular Healing Workshop with Marija Nuic
Sat 22 Feb 2025 10:00 AM - Sun 23 Feb 2025 6:00 PM GMT
Heart Space Yoga & Therapies, Midleton, P25 XT89
Family Constellations is a deep healing process where we are diving deep into the energy field and working with the cause of the problems you are experiencing. Very often the cause of the problem is in our family energy field or ancestral line. This method will bring into the open what needs to be resolved and as a result will bring healing to the whole family line. At the workshop we are going to integrate it with another very powerful technique Core Cellular Healing: ancient active living mystic Celtic invocation - very powerful energetic and transformational process which not only releases and clears old behaviour patterns, pains, emotional distress, traumas and anxieties, limitations and blockages but also breathes new fresh pure energy, love and light into the cells of your body, mind and soul.
Through birth all of us become part of a family. When we dive deep into our family energy field we will find that some issues that we are struggling with were already present in our family possibly for generations. Quite often we are not aware of these forces that affects us and makes us behave in a certain way. If unresolved this invisible force influences the fate of the descendants over many generations. Choose to be the one that stops the CYCLE OF TRAUMA passed from one generation to the next. You are just one step away from HEALING and being your greater self. This healing is going to take place in a realm that’s beyond the mind. Expect going deep into your body and energy field to discover, heal and transform. Experience high transmissions of life force energies to release and heal trauma, sickness, negative and limiting programming to powerfully transform and heal your life in a profound way.
Address: Heart Space Yoga & Therapies, 4A Main Street Midleton, Ireland P25 XT89
Marija Nuic, MA, is a psycho-spiritual therapist, intuitive energy healer, and medium. Her healing journey began with a four-year education in psychology, followed by a four-year training program in Psycho-Spiritual Integrative Psychotherapy. During this time, she trained in energy healing based on the Barbara Ann Brennan method and Integrative Psychotherapy. The following year, she pursued training to become a Family Constellations facilitator. Combining her love for dance, sensuality, and self-love, she created and founded Pole Dance Therapy. Over the last several years, she has also undergone profound, transformative training in Core Cellular Healing with Ger Lyons."One of my deepest passions is Family Constellations, a powerful method for revealing and healing transgenerational and childhood trauma. It uncovers what lies hidden in the unknown—the information stored in our energy fields. Core Cellular Healing has completely transformed my life, and continues to do so. From the moment I attended my first workshop, I knew I was born to do this work. It unlocks and polishes both soul and ancestral gifts, reaching deep into cellular and soul memory to release trauma and transform what we are not into love and light. Words alone can't convey the depth and power of this process. I also trained for four years in the Barbara Ann Brennan healing method. However, in 2019, following a significant spiritual awakening, new healing abilities emerged. My work deepened, allowing me to help people release emotional and energy blocks, heal, and much more.In addition to energy work, you may also receive messages or contact from your ancestors, if it supports your healing journey.
I am here to help you release blockages caused by traumatic events—whether from your own life or from your ancestral line. I am here to help you heal through LOVE, CONNECTION, and a profound belief in something greater than ourselves."
Contact: or 0874416753
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"I have been at Marija's family constellations and core healing workshops... I absolutely love Marija's work.. The mix of Family Constellations combined with her psychotherapy training makes the workshops a very powerful medium to explore and heal past traumas that are still in the energy field.
Marija is kind, warm and very intuitive.
The core cellular healing works at a very deep, energetic level. This combined with the constellations, is pure magic.
A Constellation can be done literally on anything, - from making decisions to any problem that needs healing. This process allows clarity and ultimate freedom to move forward with ease.
At the September weekend there was such amazing work done. We all carry similar, core pain and when this is shared in a communal, safe space, everyone feels the benefit of the work. One persons work triggers another. On the Sunday this happened, when there was multiple healing and releasing, triggered by one of the constellations. Soo powerful.....
The core cellular healing while deep, includes some lovely, meaningful songs and adds to the gentleness of the weekend.
I'd like to say Marija also brings the same magic and kindness to her one to one sessions...
Finally I would like to conclude by saying I have met such beautiful souls at these workshops and experienced the most amazing energy..
Highly recommend. "
"I’ve been trying to figure out how to write about it... so instead of finding words to describe the profound healing, I will just share a bit about how this process deeply affected my life.
No matter where I was, what I was doing... I ALWAYS had a deep sense of guilt and shame... I always had this nagging feeling that I was “ going to get caught, or be exposed “ for what??? I could never get to the root of it. I would address this feeling over and over again in my healing processes. It would subdue... and get quieter, but it was always there, lingering....
I am happy to report that after this healing experience in September... this has officially been addressed, and I no longer entertain that deep rooted seemingly ridiculous nagging feeling.
Marija gently and compassionately guided my process, with such grace and patience along with my fellow participants. She and the way she applies this work has been a major blessing in my journey, I am eternally grateful.
I am moving forward in life with a new sense of worth.
This work with Marija has changed me to the core, and continues to play out in such an amazing way. I feel truly blessed to have experienced the deep healing that occurred for me.
With all my heart, THANK YOU for creating such a safe container to heal within, for all you are and all you do.
Eternal blessings."
Heart Space Yoga & Therapies, Midleton, P25 XT89