Maroochydore SLSC $10,000 Cash Draw
Mon 2 Oct 2023 9:00 AM - Sat 9 Dec 2023 4:00 PM
Maroochy Surf Club, 4558
The Maroochydore SLSC $10,000 Cash draw is on again - Sunday 10 December 2023.
Only 250 tickets available!
Tickets are $100 each and entitles one person entry to enjoy canapes, prawns, beer, wine or soft drinks along with entry into the $10,000 Draw. There are also 5 chances to win $200 and Christmas Hams!!
Bring along a guest for an extra $45 (includes food and drinks only)
All proceeds go back to the Club to purchase vital life saving equipment to help us keep Maroochydore Beach safe.
If you wish to secure a specific number you will need to contact the Lifesaving Office 07 5443 1323
Maroochy Surf Club, 4558