Ending Homelessness in Canada: Book Launch and Author Discussion
Mon 29 Apr 2024 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
McGill University, Max Bell School of Public Policy, H3A 2M7
Housing has become a major policy issues at all levels of government, and yet more Canadians than ever lack a home. Ending Homelessness in Canada is new book that makes the case for a paradigm shift from “treating” homelessness, to preventing it and creating a right to housing, Edited by Jim Hughes of Montreal’s Old Brewery Mission in Montreal, the book features prominent researchers and community leaders, with rare and personal insights by Indigenous experts. Recognizing that adequate housing is not just one policy, but a kaleidoscope of challenges, personal identities and human needs, the authors will discuss practical solutions for youth, people with mental illness, women fleeing violence, people with precarious immigration status, and people leaving correctional facilities.
Please note space is limited and registration is for in-person attendance only.
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CÉCILE ARBAUD is the executive director of Dans la Rue, a Montreal organization dedicated to assisting youth experiencing homelessness. She lives in Montreal, Quebec.
ROBERT BYERS is the president and CEO of Namerind Housing Corporation, a provider of affordable housing to the Indigenous community. He lives in Regina, Saskatchewan.
ART CAMPBELL is the former regional director of Reintegration and Social Inclusion for YMCA Quebec. He lives in Montreal, Quebec.
PEARL ELIADIS is a human rights lawyer, associate professor (professional) at McGill University, and past president of the Shield of Athena Family Services, which works with women and children who are victims of violence. She lives in Montreal, Quebec.
JAMES HUGHES is the president and CEO of Montreal’s Old Brewery Mission, the largest organization in Quebec serving homeless people as well as those at risk of homelessness. His previous books include Early Intervention (Lorimer 2015) and Beyond Shelters (Lorimer 2018). He lives in Montreal, Quebec.
ERIC LATIMER is a research scientist at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute and a professor in the Department of Psychiatry at McGill University. He lives in Montreal, Quebec.
MARIE McGREGOR PITAWANAKWAT works within the Women’s National Housing & Homelessness Network. She lives in Toronto, Ontario.
MICHAEL L. RICE is the chairperson of the First Nations Market Housing Fund. He was born and raised in Kahnawake and is a Kanien’kehà:ka (Mohawk) of the Bear Clan. He is married with two sons and lives in Kahnawake.
Max Bell School of Public Policy is located at 680 Sherbrooke St. West, 6th Floor, Montreal, QC H3A 2M7
McGill University, Max Bell School of Public Policy, H3A 2M7