Birmingham - 熱狗 MC HotDog 'The Worst Rapper In The Universe' 2023 UK Tour
Fri 17 Mar 2023 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
The Crossing, 1 Milk St, Deritend, Birmingham B5 5SU
熱狗 MC HotDog 'The Worst Rapper In The Universe' 2023 UK Tour
熱狗 / 憤世無罪 / 嫉俗有理 / 華語饒舌界最嗆OG
⚡Date / 日期: 17 Mar 2023 (Fri)
⚡City / 城市: Birmingham, UK
⚡Venue / 場地: The Crossing
⚡Ticket prices / 票價: GBP 68 / 88 / 188 (VIP with Meet & Greet) + fees
🔥持有 VIP 票者將享有以下權益:
💚 最優先進場(早於 Priority 和 General 票種)
💚 與熱狗本人一對一合影
- 工作人員將使用 VIP 持票者的手機進行拍攝
- 請於合影前將手機設定成內建普通拍照模式(不可使用美顏或其他第三方攝影軟體)
VIP ticket includes:
💚 VIP ticket comes with the earliest entry time (before General and Priority tickets).
💚 Exclusive Meet & Greet Event - photo session with MC Hotdog himself (1:1).
- Photos will be taken by a member of staff using VIP's phone.
- Please ensure the phone is set to camera mode without filters. Third party photo apps and filters are not allowed.
🔥The latest MC Hotdog album『Yao Zhong Er』is now on sale!
Get a copy from the ticketing link to win a chance to have your CD signed by MC Hotdog himself 'on stage' at the concerts.
5 winners will be announced every show. Good luck!
To purchase the album, please visit the ticketing link, select the show you'd like to attend, select the product and checkout. After purchase, please collect your copy at the concert upon arrival with a copy of your receipt (QR code).
Admission Times (subject to change):
18:00 doors for VIP
18:15 VIP Meet & Greet Event starts
19:15 doors for Priority
19:30 doors for General
20:00 show starts
21:30 show ends
MC HotDog is back! His European tour was postponed back in March 2020 due to the outbreak of COVID-19. MC HotDog kept his words, he is now back with bigger and better shows! He named himself the The Worst Rapper In The Universe, hence the name of this tour. It's not difficult to tell the irony in those words. Calling all hip-hop fans in the UK, MC HotDog 'The Worst Rapper In The Universe' 2023 UK Tour, shows you can't afford to miss!
Debuted in 1996, MC HotDog is unquestionably the legend and pioneer of the Mandarin hip-hop culture. He has produced countless chart topping hits with over a billion streams combined. As the judge of the most popular TV show in China 'Rap of China', MC HotDog is indisputably one of the most recognised and celebrated hip-hop artist in the Mandarin community of all times!
MC HotDog熱狗 / 憤世無罪 / 嫉俗有理 / 華語饒舌界最嗆OG
英國巡迴演唱會「Yao Zhong Er - 姚中二」
📍3月17日 - 伯明翰 // The Crossing
Yao Zhong Er|姚中二?誰?MC HotDog熱狗,本名姚中仁,拿掉「人」者為「二」,請叫他「Yao Zhong Er 姚中二」他是華語嘻哈的拓荒英雄、駕馭整個中文饒舌的貧民百萬歌星;他是第一個站上小巨蛋的華人Rapper、掀起中國嘻哈熱潮的明星製作人。
二十年前的九局下半 - 對著主流幹;二十年後人生開外掛 - 他再戰十局上半;昔日街頭惡童,今日至尊霸主,管你稱他狗哥還是狗董,姚中仁者告訴你:做自己最無敵。
脫下饒舌教父戰袍,露出「中二」本色。在 “THE WORST RAPPER IN THE UNIVERSE” 面前,誰敢稱王?
中二大師兄還沒過河就已脫下饒舌教父戰袍,他違逆世俗吹捧,用自己的風格踏自己的步,在自己的世界裡 Keep Real 到底,只有前進,不必後退。
Party All The Way
疫情後派對時代,本命就在嘻哈!MC HotDog熱狗不負眾望,火力全開前進英倫。 眾生「中二」模式開啟,準備朝聖最 High、最鬧、最震撼無極限的「Yao Zhong Er - 姚中二」演唱會。
The Crossing, 1 Milk St, Deritend, Birmingham B5 5SU