The Publisher Masterclass: Monetisation strategies for smaller podcasts
Wed 11 Sep 2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM BST
Online, Zoom
Bigger publishers may well be able to rely on hundreds of thousands of downloads to successfully monetise podcasts by just selling ad space. But what about those with smaller or more niche podcasts? Podcasting builds deeply intimate connections with engaged communities, and publishers who operate in passionate niches actually already know how to make money from these superfans; you just have to apply this thinking to podcasts.
Join Christopher Phin from podcast production agency Message Heard for a deep dive session on how podcasts with smaller audiences and more focused topics can still be a powerful part of your revenue mix. Podcasts thrive in a niche; so can you.
Christopher Phin spent most of his career in publishing, working as a writer, editor and publisher for Dennis, Future Publishing and DC Thomson, as well writing for a range of tech and design publications, but was drawn to the power of podcasts five years ago. He’s Message Heard’s Head of Branded & Partnership Content, helping clients tell the stories that matter to them in a way that audiences can’t get enough of.