Robin Grey and The Crooked Penny (Stroud)
Sun 17 Nov 2024 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM GMT
Lansdown Hall, GL5 1BB
Doors 2.30pm with music starting at 3pm. We will finish around 5.30pm with one interval.
Robin Grey is a musician and social historian based in Sheffield, best known for his cult history of land rights show 'Three Acres And A Cow'. He will be joined by Emmy Broughton on harp and flute, sharing his thoughtful and gently experimental folk music.
"The poetic mastery of Grey's folk tales is a joy to behold" Camden New Journal
May Kindred-Boothby, Brigite Rowan and Pearl Legay-Clarke are The Crooked Penny and have come together to share their love of trad-folk inspired songs with a feminist twist. Haunting melodies, scrumptious harmonies and kick-ass bass.
Lansdown Hall, Lansdown, Stroud GL5 1BB
Lansdown Hall, GL5 1BB