Support the Montana Playwrights Network!
Thu Dec 26, 2024 6:00 PM - Wed Dec 31, 2025 10:30 PM
Helena Avenue Theatre, 59601
Click the SELECT TICKETS button (Right) to donate to the Montana Playwrights Network.
The Montana Playwrights Network (MPN) isn't just for playwrights!
Your generous donation assists MPN in covering the rent, utilities, maintenance, and staff required to maintain its home, the Helena Avenue Theatre in Helena, MT. It also helps meet costs associated with MPN services such as workshops, conferences, readings, play productions, classes and other special events that enhance cultural development within Montana's communities; in addition to supporting creative expression among its citizens.
MPN offers a state-wide communication network, training and performance opportunities for playwrights, storytellers, writers, actors, educators, producers, directors, performing artists, business professionals, performing arts entities and educational institutions.
Stories are found in every profession and activity, and present in human societies and cultures world-wide. It’s important that people know what the philosophy and practice of Story is and how it affects what they do, think or feel. MPN’s mission is to help you explore and develop your creativity as well as other critical skills to apply in your personal lives, work places, and within communities. MPN created the Helena Avenue Theatre (HAT) to present MPN events and to share the HAT with individuals, businesses and organizations to produce their own special events.
MPN is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization (tax id: 81-5020636) and, as such, donations to MPN are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. Contributions of any amount are gratefully accepted and support MPN activities. Donate today to help us continue to serve Montanans through the Montana Playwrights Network.
Click the SELECT TICKETS button (Right) to donate to the Montana Playwrights Network.
Donations may also be mailed to Montana Playwrights Network at the Helena Avenue Theatre, 1319 Helena Avenue, Helena, MT 59601.
Helena Avenue Theatre, 59601