MD North Forum: Goole Museum
Mon 10 Feb 2025 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Goole Museum, Carlisle Street, Goole, DN14 5DS
Come along to meet colleagues across the region and hear about A Stitch in Time: The Story of Burton's Factory. The exhibition is entirely based on memories, photographs, film and objects donated by former Burton’s workers. Materials were gathered over 10 months mainly through oral history interviews, memory cafes and engagement via social media.
The programme will include:
- Case studies from a range of museums- looking at co-production, community curation and developing pop-up exhibitions
- Practical activity - including tips and advice about how to conduct oral history interviews
- Networking with colleagues
- Curator-led tour of the exhibition
Goole Museum, Carlisle Street, Goole, DN14 5DS