Understanding grief and loss as we age (Hosted by the Kildare Bereavement Network)
Mon 23 May 2022 11:00 - 13:00
Naas Library, W91 A997
This is a free event for people in older age who have been bereaved through any circumstance – through illness or sudden death; and may have lost a partner, parent, child, friend, sibling, work colleague or relative.
Part of the morning will include a short talk from our guest speaker George Brogan. George is a co-founder of Turas Le Cheile Bereavement Support Service.
The talk will include:
- The different ways we can experience grief, particularly in older age;
- How grief can affect us;
- What can help in coping with grief;
- Ways we can support someone else who has been bereaved.
There will be representatives from a range of bereavement supports available in the local area at the event. Attendees can take away some information leaflets about the services and, if they wish, can talk with service representatives about the supports they provide. Refreshments will be available throughout the morning.
This is a FREE event but BOOKING is required. Bookings can be made via this website or alternatively, through Naas Library at 045 879 111 / naaslib@kildarecoco.ie
The Kildare Bereavement Network are a network of bereavement organisations who operate within the Kildare region. Current members include: Bethany Bereavement Support Service, Curragh Family Resource Centre, HSE Mental Health Service (Office for Suicide Prevention), Insync Youth and Family Services, Kildare Children & Young People’s Services Committee, Kildare Local Community Development Committee, LMC Bereavement Support, Naas General Hospital, , Newbridge Family Resource Centre, Pieta, Rainbows Ireland, St Brigids Hospice Curragh, Turas Le Cheile.
Naas Library, W91 A997