Guided Tours for Weaving our Stories / Tejiendo Nuestras Historias / Nqo Chmon ja jun o b’aj
Multiple dates and times
EastSide Arts Alliance, 94606
Please scroll down for English.
Visitas Guiadas
Tejiendo Nuestras Historias
Exposición de Telares Maya Mam
¡Reserva tus boletos para acompañarnos en una serie de visitas guiadas gratuitas por tejedoras de la comunidad Maya Mam de Oakland! Esta es una oportunidad para escuchar de primera mano historias sobre su práctica de tejido en Guatemala y Oakland. Interpretación al español por María Vicente.
Las visitas son en Mam, con interpretación disponible en español e inglés.
Domingo, 28 de julio, 2-3pm PT
Sábado, 3 de agosto, 2-3pm PT
Domingo, 25 de agosto, 12-1pm PT
EastSide Arts Alliance Theater Gallery
2277 International Boulevard (entre la Avenida 22 y 23)
Oakland, CA
Desde principios de 2023, NAKA y MUA han estado trabajando con un grupo de mujeres tejedoras originarias de los siguientes municipios de Huehuetenango, Guatemala: Torasant (Todos Santos Cuchumatan), Xjan Xwan (San Juan Atitán), Chimb’al (Santiago Chimaltenango).
Nuestros Círculos de Aprendizaje Colaborativo proporcionan espacio y tiempo para conectarse, expresar lo que está sucediendo en nuestras vidas, aprender unas de otras y desarrollar nuestras habilidades colectivas de organización y liderazgo. Elevamos y centramos a las mujeres líderes emergentes y a las practicantes culturales del Tejido de Telar de Cintura Maya Mam.
Te invitamos a unirte a nosotras para aprender de las mujeres sobre sus prácticas de tejido, ver sus creaciones y escuchar sus historias.
La exposición estará abierta al público para su visita (no se necesitan reservaciones):
Sábado, 20 de julio - Domingo, 25 de agosto, 2024
EastSide Arts Alliance Theater Gallery 2277 International Boulevard (entre la Avenida 22 y 23) Oakland, CA
Horario de la galería: Jueves, Viernes, Sábado, de 12pm a 6pm
Guided Tours
Weaving our Stories
Exhibition of Telares Maya Mam
Reserve your tickets to Join us for a series of free guided tours by weaving practitioners from Oakland’s Maya Mam community! This is an opportunity to hear first-hand stories about their weaving practice in Guatemala and Oakland. Interpretation into Spanish by Maria Vicente.
Tours are in Mam, with interpretation available to Spanish and English.
- Sunday, July 28, 2-3pm PT
- Saturday, August 3, 2-3pm PT
- Sunday, August 25, 12-1pm PT
EastSide Arts Alliance Theater Gallery
2277 International Boulevard (between 22nd and 23rd Avenue)
Oakland, CA
Since early 2023, NAKA and MUA have been working with a cohort of women weavers originally from the following municipalities in Huehuetenango Guatemala: Torasant (Todos Santos Cuchumatan), Xjan Xwan (San Juan Atitan), Chimb’al (Santiago Chimaltenango).
Our Collaborative Learning Circles provide space and time to connect, express what is happening in our lives, learn from each other and develop our collective organizing and leadership skills. We uplift and center emerging women leaders and cultural practitioners of Maya Mam Backstrap Weaving.
We invite you to join us to learn from the women about their weaving practices, view their creations and listen to their stories.
The exhibition will be open to the public for viewing (no reservations needed):
Saturday, July 20 - Sunday, August 25, 2024
EastSide Arts Alliance Theater Gallery
2277 International Boulevard (between 22nd and 23rd Avenue)
Oakland, CA
Gallery hours: Thursday, Friday, Saturday noon-6pm
Photo by Fox Nakai
Tejiendo Nuestras Historias is a collaboration between Mujeres Unidas y Activas and NAKA Dance Theater and is generously funded by City of Oakland Neighborhood Voices Grant, the Women’s Catalytic Fund at the East Bay Community Foundation, a grant from the Alliance for California Traditional Arts, in partnership with the Walter & Elise Haas Fund, and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the California Arts Council Impact Projects Grant, the Rainin Fellowship, the Latino Community Foundation PoderArte Grant, and the Zellerbach Family Foundation. NAKA Dance Theater is a fiscally sponsored project of Dancers’ Group. Many thanks to EastSide Arts Alliance for their support of this project!
EastSide Arts Alliance, 94606