Natter - February Meetup
Thu 27 Feb 2025 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
6th floor Westminster House, 11 Portland St, Manchester, M1 3HU
February Meetup - Meet the design team at Lloyds Banking Group
We’re excited to host our first community meetup of 2025 at Lloyds Banking Group in central Manchester. We have a selection of lightning talks from the Experience Design team.
Natter is a social community based in Manchester, our content and events are designed to help support people working in digital design, or those trying to break into the industry. We believe in the power of conversation and creating an environment where people share knowledge and support one another.
Join us for networking, pizza, drinks, talks and good conversation. Don't miss out, come and natter with us.
18:00 - 18:30
Welcome - grab a slice of pizza and a drink
18:30 - 18:45
Welcome from Natter and Lloyds Banking Group
18:45 - 19:00
Design beyond the deliverable – why your amazing design / report is only half the rent (Dr Philip Bonhard)
19:00 - 19:15
19:15 - 19:30
Get in, loser. We’re innovating UX Research (Gio Ferreira)
If you think the innovation and UX research combo is so fetch, this talk is for you! Despite the Mean Girls references, we’ll dive into what it really means to innovate in UX research - covering the challenges, opportunities, and the impact on design, especially in highly regulated industries. And don’t worry, we’re not Plastics - this is a friendly, insightful session with zero gatekeeping.
19:30 - 19:45
Building Kickass Design Teams (Phil Williams - Lead UX Designer, Homes Platform LBG)
Managing people is hard… As your career progresses, we’re often thrust into positions of management and leadership, with no real knowledge of how to build and grow teams.
With over 10 years of design leadership under his belt, Phil will show the frameworks and methodologies he’s used to help structure high performing design teams, that focus on developing skills and helping people achieve their goals.
19:45 - 20:00
Wrap Up
6th floor Westminster House, 11 Portland St, Manchester, M1 3HU