2022 BTTI: behavioural therapy training (for clinicians/therapists)
Tue 18 Jan 2022 9:00 AM - Tue 1 Feb 2022 1:30 PM GMT
Online, Zoom
Behavioural therapy training for clinicians and therapists
This training consists of a ‘live’ online training where trainers Dr Tara Murphy and Jolande van de Griendt deliver presentations including pre-recorded videos and a live patient demonstration using ERP & habit reversal. By signing up to this event we ask you to agree to not video record or copy any part of the online training but especially any patient videos or ‘live’ patient session.
This online training session is for professionals from disciplines such as psychology, nursing, occupational therapy, psychiatry and neurology as well as clinicians with experience of delivering behavioural therapy. The training will cover behavioural therapy for children and adults.
The behavioural therapy training event in 2022 will consist of 3 half days. This training includes two clinical consultation sessions (which have to be used in 6 months).
Next training scheduled for: Tue 18th Jan, Tue 25th Jan & Tue 1st Feb 2022, 9am-1:30pm on 3 mornings. (UK times)
Price: £350 (or €409.54). Payment by PayPal only.
We advise that you buy a copy of the manual ‘Tics - Therapist Manual & Workbook for Children’ Cara Verdellen; Jolande Van De Griendt et al https://www.amazon.co.uk/Tics-Therapist-Workbook-Verdellen-2016-08-02/dp/9082489309
There are 70 places available on the training and we anticipate these being filled very quickly on a first-come-first-served basis.
If you wish to sign up for behavioural therapy training please ask for an application form by emailing Seonaid@neuro-diverse.org or complete the form online https://www.neuro-diverse.org/btti