Solar Panels Overview Webinar
Thu Oct 17, 2024 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM EDT
To Lease or To Own, that is the question!
Really we all have so many questions when it comes to solar panels.
There are big incentives to adding solar to your home including reducing your energy bills, having a set cost for electricity for years to come, and of course greener energy created right on site.
Did you know half of your electric bill is delivery charge, and most of us get our electricity all the way from Canada?
Did you know Massachusetts has super solar incentives that include *tax credits and a 1 for 1 stored energy credit which you can be grandfathered into before this reduces like NH (.5 to 1) or CA (0 for 3!)?
Trusted Solar expert Steven Sosa will guide us through the basic benefits of solar.
R.S.V.P. to receive the link to join us.
* ★★★★★