New Braunfels Noon Lions store

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Gatsby's Gold Sponsor image
VIP table (8 tickets), premier seating, bar wait service, VIP swag, 10,000 casino chips per ticket, name/logo on stage, signage, website, event presentations, podium mentions, podcast interview, and promo video. $5,000.00 $0.00
Speakeasy Sponsor image
Table (8 tickets), preferred seating, bar wait service, VIP swag, 10,000 casino chips per ticket, name/logo at speakeasy bar, on signage, website, event presentations, podium mentions, event program, podcast interview, and promo video. $3,500.00 $0.00
Lions Legacy Sponsor image
VIP table (8 tickets), preferred seating, bar wait service, 10,000 casino chips per ticket, name/logo on select gaming tables, printed materials, website, and event presentations. Includes podium mentions, event program, podcast interview, and promo video $2,500.00 $0.00
Visionary Supporter image
Table (8 tickets), second-tier seating, token gift, 5000 casino chips per ticket, name/logo on website, select gaming tables, and event program. Includes a promo video. $1,000.00 $0.00
Community Care Sponsor image
Four tickets, second-tier seating, token gift, 3000 casino chips per ticket, name/logo on website, select gaming tables, and event program. $500.00 $0.00
Charleston Contributer image
Two tickets, general seating, token gift, 2K casino chips, name/logo on website, in event presentations, and event program. $200.00 $0.00
Subtotal 0.00