Managing Mum Guilt
Wed 3 May 2023 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM BST
Online, MS Teams
Around 1 in 4 women will struggle with their emotional or mental health during pregnancy or after giving birth. As part of Maternal Mental Health Awareness week, Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT) Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Service (SPMHS) will be hosting events during the week raising awareness of maternal mental health conditions and providing details of the support available in Northamptonshire.
The service provides assessment, advice and specialist treatment and support for women in Northamptonshire who experience moderate to severe mental health conditions during pregnancy and after having a baby.
The feelings of guilt and shame are some amongst other common feelings a new mum will have when experiencing mental health difficulties after having a baby. The webinar is delivered by staff within our psychology team and will provide an understanding around how and why these feelings develops and provide reassurances through an overview of how we support women open to the service to manage these feelings and fears.