2024 Cornerstone Awards
Tue Jan 28, 2025 4:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Grappone Center, 03301
The NH Home Builders Association has been presenting the NH Cornerstone Awards for the last 36 years to the best in residential construction here in NH. Last year, we revamped the program, and elevated the prestige that comes with winning a Cornerstone Awards. By winning a Cornerstone Award, you will be able to show your customers that you are one of the best Home Builders or Remodelers in NH. This year, we are expanding our list of categories, by adding in price range specific awards, to increase the competition and offer more opportunities to get honored for your work!
Please join us for our Cornerstone Awards Celebration on Jan 28th. Not only will we be presenting our winners with their awards, this reception will also double as our inauguration of officers. We will also be honoring our Builder & Associate of the Year. This is a fantastic night you do not want to miss.
Tickets are $110 per person; a group of eight can be purchased for $800. Sponsorships are also available at the check-out portal.
NEW VIP Welcome Reception:
Come check out the just-announced VIP Welcome Reception with our special guest, NAHB President and CEO Jim Tobin! This is the first time the NAHB President has visited New Hampshire in 20 years! For just $100, or $180, if you bring a friend or spouse, you can access this exclusive event. These tickets are an ADD-ON for your Cornerstone Awards dinner tickets. To access this event, you must purchase an equivalent number of dinner tickets with this add-on. This event begins at 4:00 pm.
Sponsorship Tiers:
Platinum Sponsor ($2200): Includes a group of 8 (please email names of attendees to jlandry@nhhba.com). Platinum Sponsors will also be able to speak about their company for 2-3 minutes in front of the room, and then present an award category. Logo and name placement will have priority placement on all signage & handouts at the event, will be included in all promotional materials & the digital magazine.
Gold Sponsor ($1450): Includes 4 tickets to event (please email names of attendees to jlandry@nhhba.com). Gold sponsors can also have a display table at the event. Logo and name placement will have priority placement on all signage & handouts at the event, will be included in all promotional materials & the digital magazine.
Silver Sponsor ($725): Includes 2 tickets to event (please email names of attendees to jlandry@nhhba.com). Company logo and/or name in signage and handouts at the event, logo in digital NH Cornerstone Awards magazine, logo in select promotional materials for the event and awards program
Bronze Sponsor ($325): Company logo and/or name in signage and handouts at the event, logo in digital NH Cornerstone Awards magazine, logo in select promotional materials for the event and awards program
Grappone Center, 03301