Michael Hall - Thinking for a living
Tue 17 Sep 2024 18:30 - 20:00 CEST
Online, Zoom
Ett webinar med Michael Hall
Tisdag 17 september 18.30 - 20.00
Everything human, I mean everything that you and I value as human beings arises from thinking. Thinking is that important and critical. Now because “The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life” if you don’t know how to truly think and to think accurately, precisely, and effectively --- everything in your life will suffer. The bottom line is that all of us think for a living.
A surprising new discovery about NLP itself is that the NLP Communication Model, at its roots, actually is a Thinking Model. NLP is much more about thinking than most people know or realize. That’s why a good training in NLP (and so much training in NLP is not good training) teaches a person how to think.
Now because there are many different kinds of thinking and all of them absolutely necessary to be an effective person, to not know the process for effective thinking is to be left deficient of the most basic skill and competency of all.
Om Michael Hall
Dr. Michael Hall är grundaren av Neuro-Semantics som är en gren inom NLP. 1994 revolutionerade han NLP-fältet med "Meta-States model" som ansågs som det viktigaste bidraget till NLP när det kom. Han har skrivit över 80 böcker om NLP, Neuro-Semantics och psykologin bakom.
Datum och Tid: 17 september 2024 - Kl 18.30-20.00
Medlem: Gratis
Icke-medlem: 150 kr
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