ERIS - DEN TIENDE PLANETEN med Henry Seltzer og Katharina Westblikk
Wed 4 Sep 2024 17:45 - 20:00 CEST
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Katharina Westblikk har jobbet med Eris arketypen siden 2016. Hun vil snakke (på norsk) om hvordan Eris finnes inne i oss alle.
Den delen av oss som blir misforstått, beskyldt for noe vi ikke har gjort, den delen som kjemper fordi vi må, for å være oss selv. Eris beskriver skyggesiden av det feminine, krigerkvinnen i mytologiene hvor hun og hennes bror Ares/Mars møtes i konfliktenes og krigenes øye. Ares fordi han liker å kjempe og vinne, Eris for å avsløre det skjulte som ligger bak handlingene til andre.
Katharina vil åpne foredraget og gir ordet videre til Henry Seltzer etterpå.
Mer om Katharina
Henry Selzer:
Eris, the KBO planet beyond Pluto that is becoming more readily accepted in Western Astrology, perhaps more prominent than Pluto in the Kuiper Belt, although further out, has been identified as Feminine Warrior in support of soul intention in the book Henry published in 2015 called The Tenth Planet. This seems to be by now a well-accepted delineation. Eris, in Henry’s opinion, is actually just as significant as Pluto in chart work, lighting up the chart in terms of any personal planet she aspects or by her house position. This talk will provide a description of Eris as a new planetary archetype, using an outline of her meaning along with chart examples. Including better understanding of Haumea and Makemake, these 21st century planets, the only Kuiper Belt Objects besides Pluto officially named as ‘dwarf’ planets by the astronomers, have a lot to reveal to us about where the zeitgeist is curretly heading, or where it is attempting to be heading.
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