Stop Tommy Robinson STOKE & STAFFORD COACH
Sat 26 Oct 2024 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
NorSCARF (North Staffs Campaign Against Racism & Fascism) is joining Stand Up To Racism, the TUC and thousands of campaigners, activists and trade unionists in London to STOP TOMMY ROBINSON!
Don’t let history repeat itself - Stop Tommy Robinson, Stop the Far Right • National Demonstration, Saturday 26 October in Central London • Buy your coach tickets now
Nazi Tommy Robinson has called a national demonstration in London on 26 October. In July, Robinson brought 20,000 racists onto the streets. Within days there were pogroms and racist attacks across the country. Our movement was able to push back the fascists in August, but the threat hasn’t gone away. We can’t allow Robinson and his Nazi pals to build a street movement that will try to intimidate and attack the most vulnerable in society. Like in August, we need to demoralise their movement with our own movement - but on a much larger scale. Every person who came to the protests in Stoke should come to London to help outnumber the racists - stopping the growth of the far right and horrors it will bring is in our hands!
- Pick up Glebe Street, Stoke (ST4 1LP) bus stop outside Stoke Minster at 7:30am
- Pick up Tillington Hall Hotel bus stop, Eccleshall Road, Stafford (ST16 1JJ) at 8am
- After the march the pick up in central London will be approximately 4pm to take us home
Coach seats are priced to suit a range of circumstances - please select the ticket that best suits you. PLEASE NOTE WE CAN CURRENTLY ONLY ACCEPT PAYMENTS VIA THE PAYPAL OPTION ON THE PAYMENT PAGE. If you have problems please contact us.
Refugees and asylum seekers travel free! Contact us for details
We are gratefully supported by local trade unions to fund this coach. If your branch can help with a donation please contact us. We are happy to provide free or discounted seats to trade union members who are being sponsored by their branch to attend.
Donations to help fund the coach can be made by bank transfer (Account name – North Staffordshire Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, Account number – 23843960, Sort code – 30-64-34) however you can also donate by clicking on the 'Buy tickets' button on this page!
For questions and feedback please contact