Wilt Ranch Prairie Eclipse Day
Mon Apr 8, 2024 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Hello Prairie Enthusiasts!
Join us for our Chapter Fundraiser ECLIPSE event out at John Wilt's Farm!
Please join us as we celebrate this once in a lifetime event with guided prairie walk by TPWD Biologist Taylor Garrison.
We will do a prairie walk and tour to look at unique vegetation, discuss land management, and provide a chance for attendees to pick the brains of a few experts. This will last from 9am to 12pm. Following the tour (around 12pm) we will have lunch at the barn and watch the solar eclipse (pray for good weather, right). Also, if the weather is right and things line up, there is a possibility we could do a small prescribed burn at one of the pocket prairies.
Date: April 8th, 2024
Time: 9am to 12pm (prairie tour), 12pm to 3pm (eclipse)
Address: 1127 Stack Rd, Ennis TX, 75119-0241
Details: Walking tour, remnant prairie and restored prairies, open savannahs and woodlands
Unique vegetation: switchgrass, Eastern gamagrass, little blue, big blue, indiangrass, sideoats, Prairie foxglove, pitcher sage, milkweed (several different species), and maybe an orchid or two
The eclipse is expected to last from 12:22pm to 3:02pm at this site, so plan accordingly. This event, as rare as it is, is also sure to bring 10,000s of people from around Texas and outside of Texas to the narrow band where the eclipse can best be viewed. This includes a line in between Del Rio and Paris (see below map). Our totality (length of total eclipse) is expected to be 4 min 20 sec give or take. Check this website for more info:Texas 2024 eclipse — Great American Eclipse. More local info here:Official Website for the City of Ennis, Texas - Eclipse Over Ennis (ennistx.gov) orAbout | Eclipse (eclipseoverennis.com). Note that expected visitors to the town of Ennis is 50k to 200k people. Plan ahead for traffic and busy roads following the event.
Tickets are 20$ per person attending