LBJ Grasslands NEON tour with Canaan Sutton
Sun May 19, 2024 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
LBJ Grasslands
LBJ Grasslands Tour covering ecological sampling by the National Ecological Observatory Network.
This hike led by Blackland NPAT Chapter President and botanist for NEON Canaan Sutton will take us through the sandy prairies and woods of the northern grasslands (Unit 75) to look at the unique plant communities there, as well as the ways in which NEON collects data on presence/absence and phenology of species at different spatial and temporal scales. We will see plot outlines for diversity sampling, litterfall catch collectors, and the NEON flux tower (from below) and sampling arrays. If there is enough time we may also head down to the limestone prairie in the southern grasslands (Unit 49).
This will be an active terrain hike of about 2 miles likely with a high heat index. This tour is not recommended for small children or guests with limited mobility. Please be sure to bring plenty of water, snacks, sunscreen and protective clothing. Safety vests will be provided for attendees.
Where: Attendees will meet at the Shell station (1306 E Business 380, Decatur TX 76234) off of hwy 380 and park in the gravel parking area. We will then carpool as much as possible due to limited parking and caravan into the grasslands.
When: Sunday May 19, 12- 4pm
LBJ Grasslands