Hike at Barn Owl Ridge within LLELA
Sat Jun 10, 2023 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM
201 E Jones St Lewisville, TX
We invite you to a special hike with Director of LLELA, Richard Freiheit, and UNT Ecology instructor Dr. Jaime Baxter-Slye at the Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area on June 10th starting at 8am. Richard and Jaime are excited to provide a tour of the Barn Owl Ridge, an area within LLELA not normally accessible to the public. The hike will be conducted in an approximate 30-acre native Texas Blackland Prairie reconstruction site. Over 650 taxa from Fungi to Chordata have been documented at Barn Owl Ridge within LLELA , with 196 plants identified.
Porta potties are located at the dam outfall parking lot and the classroom area (see maps below). Once we are done hiking, we will meet at air-conditioned classroom for snacks and discussion about our finds. After the hike, you are more than welcome to proceed on your own to LLELA's public trails until closing at 7pm.
Plan for NPAT hike at LLELA:
Large overview of LLELA with our A-D points labeled.
8am: A on map: arrive at front gate of LLELA: 201 E Jones St Lewisville. Proceed thru gate and let gate house know you are there for the NPAT hike, with no entry fee. See map.
8:15am: B on map: arrive at the dam outfall. After passing thru front gate (A on map) drive approximately 1.6 miles to the dam outfall parking lot (B on map). Beware of tall speed bumps. A porta potty is located in this parking lot. Once everyone is ready, we will proceed thru the dam gate to the Barn Owl Ridge. It is important you be there by 8:15am because the gate is not accessible to the public and you must be escorted in.
8:30 am: C on map: begin hike at Barn Owl Ridge. After passing thru locked gate, we will drive down Fish Hatchery Rd to Barn Owl Ridge. The area where we can hike is approximately a 30-acre area of native Blackland Prairie reconstruction. No porta potties here. Shade can be found under trees in treed areas. Very tall vegetation with a trail in and out. Over 650 taxa from Fungi to Chordata have been documented at Barn Owl Ridge within LLELA , with 196 plants identified on iNat. This area has been reconstructed over the last 20 years via chainsaw, burning, planting and seeding. Find list of plants documented here on iNat.
Around 10:30 am: discuss whether or not to proceed to classroom or stay hiking for another hour.
10:30 or 11:30am as decided upon: D on map: proceed to air-conditioned classroom with restroom and tables/chairs for snacks and discussion of finds. We have to drive back to the classrooms thru the locked gate. So everyone must leave BOR together.
Once we are done in the classroom, hikers are free to leave or enjoy another hike on their own on the Blackjack Trail, or other public trails at LLELA until it closes at 7pm. For more info about LLELA, visit our website.
More Maps
Point B: 8:15am Once thru the front gate, proceed down the road about 1.6 miles to the dam outfall parking lot. Be sure to go slow over speed bumps.
Point C. Barn Owl Ridge 8:30 to end of hike either at 10:30 or 11:30 (group decision)
Point D. Classrooms for snacks, bathroom, and discussion.
201 E Jones St Lewisville, TX