NRS Trauma and Emergency Speciality Research Day
Wed 6 Mar 2024 9:45 AM - 4:00 PM
Norie-Miller Studio, Perth Concert Hall, Mill Street, Perth, PH1 5HZ
After a hiatus of a couple of years, we have arranged for a Trauma & Emergencies research meeting on 6th March 2024 in Perth, at the Concert Hall. As you will know the NIHR & CSO group have Trauma & Emergency as a portfolio of research covering a wide spectrum of acute injury and illnesses. We are putting together a programme that hopefully will cover all aspects of the portfolio
The Research Day will be an all day event, starting at 9.45am and concluding at 4.00pm. The full programme is currently being finalised and will be confirmed ASAP - sessions will include update on ongoing studies, collaboration with other specialties, delivery of research in ED and innovation
Norie-Miller Studio, Perth Concert Hall, Mill Street, Perth, PH1 5HZ