Putting people first in AI - what we've learnt (online)
Fri 22 Mar 2024 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM GMT
Online, Zoom
An event to share what we've learnt about Giving the Public a Say in the Use of Automated Decision-Making – including launching a new set of principles created in partnership with people across Greater Manchester.
At this event we will share a set of principles for embedding public engagement around the use of automated decision-making systems in Greater Manchester's public sector. These principles have been crafted based on people's generous input through workshops held earlier in the year and we will share what we've learnt along the way.
We will discuss how these principles build upon other initiatives already happening, and there will be space to discuss how we make these principles as usable, impactful and sustainable as possible.
Anyone interested in this topic is very welcome.
Venue and accessibility
This event will be held on zoom, if you sign up for the event we will send a link nearer the time. If you have any specific requirements to help you take part, please let us know.
Find out more
If you have any questions or would like to know more about this project, feel free to send us an email on mat@opendatamanchester.org.uk or hello@opendatamanchester.org.uk. You can also find out more through this blogpost.