Data Cooperative Working Group #18
Tue 12 Nov 2024 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM GMT
Online, Zoom
The Data Cooperative Working Group is an informal, international group of practitioners, researchers and those interested in the development of data cooperatives and other mutually beneficial data governance structures to manage the data we all create.
It is an opportunity to share, learn and discuss topics related to mutual data governance and develop new thinking and ideas.
This month we will be joined by Sylvie Delacroix, whose work focuses on data & machine ethics, ethical agency and the role of habit within moral decisions. She is the Inaugural Jeff Price Chair in Digital Law at King's College London.
Sylvie will talk about the role played by bottom-up data empowerment infrastructure and the challenges that stand in the way of their implementation.
If you missed the last Data Cooperative Working Group meeting with Sarah Devaney and Cath Bowden from the University of Manchester presenting their work with local residents in Manchester relating to the creation of a data trust for health data and their research into what people's perceptions of health data usage and what they would like to see from a data trust. It can be viewed on Vimeo here
As ever we are looking for people to share with the group, so if you have anything you would like to present please contact