Fri 17 May 2024 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM BST
Online, Microsoft Teams
The Scottish Marine Animal Stranding Scheme (SMASS) aims to provide a systematic and coordinated approach to the surveillance of Scotland’s marine species by collating, analysing and reporting data of all whales, dolphins and porpoises (collectively known as cetaceans), seals, marine turtles and basking sharks that strand on the Scottish coastline. SMASS records each individual stranding and collects a number of individuals for further examination at necropsy. As well as investigating the cause of death, SMASS collects data and samples from these cases that help address a wide range of scientific and ecological questions.
Investigation of stranded individuals furthermore provides unique insights into causes of death, reproductive patterns, diet and feeding ecology, diseases, environmental contaminant levels, and other aspects of the general health of marine mammal populations. This provides valuable information that can help detect any future outbreaks of disease, unusual mortality events, anthropogenic stressors, and other health issues. It also enables assessment of pressures and threats, and can help monitor the health and status of marine mammal populations around Scotland.
In this talk the team will talk us through the many facets of the research done by SMASS, and highlight how they are using strandings data to inform on health of the living populations of marine mammals around Scotland