FundRaving for The Outward Bound Trust - Round 2 (Sonnet, Reckon and Felstead DJ set)
Sat 9 Mar 2024 7:00 PM - 2:00 AM
The Craftsman, 151 Hamlet Ct Rd, Westcliff-on-Sea, Southend-on-Sea, Westcliff-on-Sea SS0 7EW
As many of you know, I'll be running the 2024 TCS London Marathon, and we're back behind the decks for round two at the Craftsman with Sonnet, Reckon and Felstead.
This is for charity, so feel free to share with anyone who wants to have a good time and donate to a good cause.
I have decided to take on the challenge of running the 2024 TCS London Marathon for The Outward Bound Trust (OWB). They are an educational charity dedicated to unlocking the potential in young people between the ages of 9-25 through learning and adventures in the wild. Through my outreach work this year, I've had a chance to speak to many school students and teachers who feel the impact of the pandemic has had a noticeable effect on students and their confidence, self-belief and resilience. An OWB residential courses equips young people with a stronger sense of self-belief, ability to cope better with stressful situations and interact more positively with others. This approached is backed by research which shows a lasting effect on mental health and resilience going forward. More than ever, young people of today need the tools to fight mental adversity, and that's why I will run for a charity whose ethos aligns with prevention over cure.
Your donations will make a huge impact into transforming the lives of young people, thank you for your support to help me reach my fundraising target.
The Craftsman, 151 Hamlet Ct Rd, Westcliff-on-Sea, Southend-on-Sea, Westcliff-on-Sea SS0 7EW