Excel Staff Development Programme
Fri 24 May 2024 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Lecture theatre 2, Academic Centre, John Radcliffe Hospital, OX3 9DU
The programme will be:
12.00 Networking tea and coffee in the upstairs foyer. We feel this is an important opportunity to develop contacts across the departments
Followed by 2 talks
Bullying and harassment
Join Laura Epton, University Harassment Prevention Advisor, who will empower you to build an inclusive research team with collaborations that prevent bullying and harassment. Thus becoming a stronger leader/future leader, call out bad behaviour, and raise issues informally or formally.
Social media
Join Ibby Akkas, Social Media Manager in the University of Oxford’s Public Affairs Directorate as he will outline how to make the most out of social media from a research perspective. He will explain how you can use social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, Instagram and TikTok to boost your own profile and also your expertise.
If you haven’t been there before - the academic centre is set back in between the main entrance of the JRJ and the Maternity Centre. You can find a JRH site mape here https://www.ouh.nhs.uk/hospitals/jr/buildings/
If you are normally located in the science area you may like to consider asking your friends and colleagues if there is anywhere you can hot desk for the day. That will save you travelling during the day. I would not suggest trying to park at the JRH
Lecture theatre 2, Academic Centre, John Radcliffe Hospital, OX3 9DU