Oxfordshire+ B Local - B Corp month celebration event
Thu 30 Mar 2023 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Oxford Brookes Business School, OX3 0BP
It's B Corp month!
The B Local Oxfordshire+ hub would like to invite you to come along to hear how certified B Corps Go Beyond business-as-usual, to change the way the economic system works and create real impact on society and the planet.
Join the growing number of local B Corps, B Leaders, those who are B Curious, as well as like-minded people and companies dedicated to using business as a Force For Good to celebrate this and learn more about the B Corp Movement.
This event has multiple purposes:
- To give existing B Corps the chance to share their experiences in Going Beyond the B - to network and encourage others to join the Movement
- To give potential B Corps - those who are B Curious - a chance to learn more about the B Corp Certification journey
- To enable others who want to use business as a force for good a chance to hear more about how they can participate
With thanks to our generous hosts, Oxford Brookes University, a hot bed for excellence in business, supporting local, purposeful companies.
Oxford Brookes Business School, OX3 0BP