How to boost your recovery from Post-Viral Fatigue
Thu 19 Nov 2020 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM GMT
Online, Zoom
Post-Viral Fatigue can be a very worrying and frustrating condition to find yourself tackling. Even the healthiest of people can find themselves struggling to get back to full health after a viral infection. But there are things you can do to ensure you’re giving yourself the best possible chance of a fast and successful recovery, and we’d love to help you with that.
We have a great deal of experience in helping people overcome health challenges such as ME/Chronic Fatigue and this has given us a real understanding of the areas you should focus on to boost your recovery from post-viral fatigue.
We'll each be sharing our Top Tips with you at this event - allowing you to understand what you can do to maximise your success of beating Post-Viral Fatigue and why these actions are so beneficial.
We've run these sessions before, with great attendance and feedback. We're keen to keep scheduling additional sessions as long as the demand is there.
Although specifically aimed at those with Post-Viral Fatigue, these sessions would also be of help to anyone experiencing extreme fatigue from conditions such as Fibroymyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), particularly if you are recently diagnosed.
This event will provide maximum value in only 45 minutes, to avoid any risk of it becoming too draining. For similar reasons we are restricting event numbers to a maximum of 12 attendees. You’re welcome to keep your camera switched off and our content doesn’t rely on watching the screen, so you can listen-only while lying down if that works best.
For an investment of only £5 this event will reassure you that you're focussing on the priority areas. And if you'd like to continue with our help this £5 payment can then be discounted against any 121 sessions you book with Pamela or Linda.
We'll stay online after the main content, to take any questions you might have.
The session will be run online via Zoom. We'll share the link with you a few days before the event.
Pamela Rose is a Fatigue Coach who has gained a particular reputation for helping people improve how they're coping with ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. And Linda is an expert Nutritional Therapist with a passion for helping her clients experience fast results from simple changes to their diet.