Building a Culture for Success
Fri 27 Sep 2024 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Altens Hotel, Souterhead Road, Aberdeen, AB12 3LF
"Culture affects behaviour, employee satisfaction, productivity and ultimately the success of your business" Bruce Skinner, Chief Executive of ALTO
At the event you will hear from Bruce Skinner, Chief Executive of ALTO about the steps he took to foster a positive and productive culture for his team. You will also hear from Dr Susan Reid Elder, Lecturer on People, Organisations and Practice, RGU who will share some of the findings from her PhD as well as the most recent research findings about creating a positive working culture while dealing with 21st century challenges such as remote working.
This will be an interactive session with the chance to network, ask questions and learn from peers.
ALTO is a managed IT services and support company based in Aberdeen, providing tailored IT solutions since 2009. They focus on being a proactive partner for growing businesses, ensuring reliable IT infrastructure and enhanced productivity
09.00-09.30 Registrations and networking breakfast
09.30 - 10.30 Presentations and Q&A
10.30 - 11.00 Group discussion
11.00 Close
Altens Hotel, Souterhead Road, Aberdeen, AB12 3LF