Pembrokeshire Marine Code event - Geology and Landscapes | Digwyddiad Cod Morol Sir Benfro - Daeareg a Thirweddau
Fri 8 Mar 2024 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Goodwick Scout Hall, SA64 0DE
Come join us for the first in our 2024 series of Pembrokeshire Marine Code environmental training events.
An opportunity to learn more about the Pembrokeshire coastline, to enjoy and share with your customers.
A full day event aimed at activity operators and tourism organisations to:
- Discover the awesome geology of north Pembrokeshire
- Exploring best practice and codes of conduct to help minimise disturbance
- Highlighting the Wales Coast Explorer App, as a tool to identify, learn about and report sightings
An exciting line up of speakers, experts in their field, have been organised for the day, highlighting the geology of the Fishguard and Goodwick area.
The event will also give attendees the opportunity to learn more about the interesting stories the landscape holds, show-casing the amazing culture and nature experiences Pembrokeshire offers.
The morning session provides time to hear inspirational talks from our speakers, followed by an afternoon coastal walk, investigating the nearby geology and landscapes.
Not available all day? It will be possible to join us for the morning or the afternoon sessions only. Morning (10.00am-12.15pm) Afternoon (1.00pm - 4pm). Please let us know at the time of booking.
Speaker spotlight:
Megan Pratt - Ranger, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park: The Northwest Area Ranger for the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. Megan is adept at combining her history degree with a life-long love of nature, meaning she is very capable at interpreting natural and human histories for others; with a love for telling stories through the people and the landscape they inhabit.
Sid Howells Geologist – Geological & Educational Services: Local geologist, Sid Howells, has spent over 40 years working in industry, conservation, research and education in Britain and overseas. As a former FSC peripatetic geology/geography fieldwork tutor and Regional Earth Scientist (Pembs, Carms, Gower & Neath-Port Talbot) for Countryside Council for Wales, Sid is an experienced speaker and bases his talks on an extensive collection of photos he has taken from land, sea and air.
Any questions, please contact Alec on or 07989 218489.
The Marine Code aims to protect Pembrokeshire’s amazing wildlife by promoting voluntary codes of conduct and seasonal agreed access restrictions. Helping preserve the safety of Pembrokeshire’s stunning wildlife for the enjoyment of everyone.
Dewch i ymuno â ni ar gyfer y cyntaf yn ein cyfres o ddigwyddiadau hyfforddiant amgylcheddol Cod Morol Sir Benfro ar gyfer 2024.
Cyfle i ddysgu mwy am arfordir Sir Benfro, i fwynhau a rhannu gyda'ch cwsmeriaid.
Digwyddiad diwrnod llawn wedi’i anelu at weithredwyr gweithgareddau a sefydliadau twristiaeth i:
- Darganfod daeareg anhygoel gogledd Sir Benfro
- Archwilio arfer gorau a chodau ymddygiad i helpu i leihau aflonyddwch
- Tynnu sylw at Ap Crwydro Arfordir Cymru/Wales Coast Explorer, fel offeryn i nodi, dysgu am ac adrodd am unrhyw achosion a welwyd
Mae cyfres gyffrous o siaradwyr, arbenigwyr yn eu maes, wedi’u trefnu ar gyfer y diwrnod, gan amlygu daeareg ardal Abergwaun ac Wdig.
Bydd y digwyddiad hefyd yn rhoi cyfle i fynychwyr ddysgu mwy am y straeon diddorol y mae'r dirwedd yn eu dal, gan arddangos y diwylliant a'r profiadau natur anhygoel y mae Sir Benfro yn eu cynnig.
Ddim ar gael drwy'r dydd? Bydd modd ymuno â ni ar gyfer sesiynau’r bore neu’r prynhawn yn unig. Bore (10.00am-12.15pm) Prynhawn (1.00pm - 4pm). Rhowch wybod i ni wrth archebu.
Sylw ar Siaradwyr:
Megan Pratt – Ceidwad, Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro: Ceidwad Ardal y Gogledd-orllewin ar gyfer Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro. Mae Megan yn fedrus wrth gyfuno ei gradd hanes â chariad gydol oes at fyd natur, sy'n golygu ei bod yn alluog iawn i ddehongli hanes naturiol a dynol i eraill; gyda chariad at adrodd straeon trwy'r bobl a'r dirwedd y maent yn byw ynddo.
Y Daearegydd Sid Howells – Gwasanaethau Daearegol ac Addysgol: Mae Sid Howells, y daearegydd lleol, wedi treulio dros 40 mlynedd yn gweithio mewn diwydiant, cadwraeth, ymchwil ac addysg ym Mhrydain a thramor. Fel cyn-diwtor gwaith maes daeareg/daearyddiaeth beripatetig FSC a Gwyddonydd Daear Rhanbarthol (Sir Benfro, Sir Gaerfyrddin, Gŵyr a Chastell-nedd Port Talbot) i Gyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru, mae Sid yn siaradwr profiadol ac yn seilio ei sgyrsiau ar gasgliad helaeth o luniau y mae wedi’u tynnu o dir, môr ac awyr.
Unrhyw gwestiynau, cysylltwch ag Alec ar neu 07989 218489.
Nod y Cod Morol yw gwarchod bywyd gwyllt rhyfeddol Sir Benfro trwy hyrwyddo codau ymddygiad gwirfoddol a chyfyngiadau mynediad cytunedig tymhorol. Helpu i warchod diogelwch bywyd gwyllt syfrdanol Sir Benfro er mwynhad pawb.
Goodwick Scout Hall, SA64 0DE